

This time last year:

I was lost.
Thousands of dollars in debt.
Feeling hopeless and with out purpose.
Living at home.  With my parents.
About to take on a company that I had no idea I even wanted.

This year:
Taking the leap of taking over the company, becoming my own boss, creating my own destiny, has resulted in life changing circumstances.  In the last year I've crawled out of more debt than I thought possible.  I've gotten out from underneath the thumb of a man who was truly abusive of his power over me and my emotions.  I've come into my own as a business owner.  While I'm not perfect, I'm learning, and actually succeeding.  I've opened myself up to a man I normally would have ignored, simply because he didn't fit the physical ideal I had in my head for "Happily Ever After", and in turn found someone warm, and kind and funny, and sexy as hell, who I can't take my mind off of, and whom in a matter of a few short months, I have fallen madly in love with.  Moved in with.  Decided I want to spend the rest of forever with.  I am more confident, carefree, and myself, than I have ever been.  I am truly happy.

What a difference a year makes.

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