Funny enough, we've lived in it's general vicinity for about 5 years now, and have NEVER gone! So, today, we went. There were the usual fair food vendors...most of whom simply added "Garlic" to their standard fares. For instance, Shellma chose "garlic knots", while I opted for "garlic clams", and both of us enjoyed a nice "Garlic beef on a stick". Which was actually pretty damn gross!
And the tasting!?!?! Oh, the TASTING! Booth after booth of garlic jelly, jalapeno jam, and every conceivable party dip known to man! I am packed to the gills with pretzels and stale tortilla chips!
Still, a pretty nice way to spend an afternoon, with my best foodie friend, and the food I love the most! All the while the "men" stayed home reveling in the Sunday Afternoon Football hoopla! So, I'm betting, we are probably all are at the same level of "stank"! HA!
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