

Turning Point

I've spent the last month revving up to take over this company.  The days are dwindling down to D Day, and I have to say, I'm ready to make this leap.
I've been trying to adhere to a series of resolutions, mantras, that I've made during this time.  In an effort to revamp my life for small-ish business ownership, and the fact that I am officially truly single for the first time since I was 16.  ie:

Drink more Green Tea and less Red Wine.
Get to sleep at a grown up hour.
Cut out dairy.
Be nicer to strangers.
Quit smoking...climb mountains instead.
Spend more time with my girlfriends.
Work more.  ( I am a rare person who knows in her heart of hearts, she really could stand to work a little harder)

So far I've been doing pretty good.

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