

Rants and Raves

The butch-type girl who used to live with "the Captain" now lives in my unit, and every time she walks by my balcony and one of "the boys" is outside...she meows. Its fuckin weird! but not uncommon. Sadly. Sometimes, while laying out of sight just inside my room...I want to talk back and freak her out!

I've become obsessed with NOT washing my hair. All the dieing and avoiding haircuts over the years, I thought it was damaged beyond repair, but in the last few weeks simply realized that perhaps even every other day washings were taking their tolls. Haven't washed* it since Saturday and it feel FABULOUS! Only took 28 years to figure out!

Been walking daily and doing sit-ups ad nauseam to fight off the slovenliness that was our summer of early retirement. Back to yogurt and salads in an effort to avoid "the fast".

Hey! Anybody want spider plant babies? I'm rooting a whole bunch and hoping to give them away as presents...perhaps for Christmas. So if you want in...speak up!

*I DO wet it and condition...every other day...but no shampoo. The Man taught me the trick. Funny!

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