

Flash Backs

Last night I had one of those scary single girl moments, coupled with a flashback to toddler-dom!
You see, the boys had been tearing ass around the apartment from the moment I got home late Tuesday night. And I mean running like flames were coming out of their butts. In all the excitement, I guess the water bowl got spilled.
Fast forward to a buzzed Mama making her way towards her bubbling reheated spaghetti, when suddenly I slipped on the water, and my senses were just dulled enough that I made no effort to catch myself, and body slammed down onto the linoleum (you're welcome noisey lady downstairs!)
After checking to make sure all of my teeth were still intact, my initial response was to begin crying in that "I can't believe this just happened to me-where's my mom?" sorta way. I wasn't hurt. And ultimately, I didn't cry...but I definitely had that instinctual response of immediately wanting my mom.

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